Purdy, James Gilbert

Birth Name Purdy, James Gilbert
Gender male
Age at Death 77 years, 27 days


Type Date Place Description Notes
Birth 1845-09-14    
Death 1922-10-11    
Burial   Londonderry    


Father Purdy, Gabriel Knight
Mother Giles, Mary Jane
  1. Purdy, Thomas Willis
  2. Purdy, Amos
  3. Purdy, Ruby Jane
  4. Purdy, William Smith
  5. Purdy, Agusta
  6. Purdy, John Richard
  7. Purdy, Donald


Married Wife MacDonald, Ellen
  Marriage 1875-03-16 at Wallace Harbour,NS, Canada

They lived in a house on the right side of Slip Rd. Westchester Valley.
by Rev. James Munroe.

Source References

  1. Robert W. Newson gedcom
  2. Shawna Gray Family Tree
  3. Cumberland Births
  4. Cumberland Deaths


  1. Purdy, Gabriel Knight
    1. Giles, Mary Jane
      1. Purdy, Thomas Willis
      2. Purdy, Amos
      3. Purdy, Ruby Jane
      4. Purdy, James Gilbert
        1. MacDonald, Ellen
      5. Purdy, William Smith
      6. Purdy, Agusta
      7. Purdy, John Richard
      8. Purdy, Donald
