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SoftwarebyAlan Jackson |
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Listed below are several little Perl, Python, R and Tcl/Tk programs I have written. Being done in Perl, Python, R and Tcl/Tk, they should run on nearly any system in existence today. In particular, Unix, Windows, and Macintosh.
Includes a routine to prettify the axis ranges and tics in Matplotlib, and a library of useful tools.
This script does just what it says, it dumps the contents of the address book to STDOUT. It makes a good basic script to modify for your own devices.
This script also makes use of the module PostScript::MailLabels to generate a postscript file suitable for printing onto mailing label stock. I use this to address my Christmas cards.
The key things I have done for this script and the next one are the
use of the custom fields. The Palm has 4 custom fields in the address book.
I define the first one to be family names, so I enter
husband and wife, children
so that for addressing Christmas cards, I can pull out the "husband and wife"
part of the field and use that in the address.
In custom2, I put my database keys for selecting subsets of the data. I simply put in a comma-delimited list of keys. For example, everyone on my Christmas card list gets an "Xmas" flag in custom2.
Another very simple example, here I select out a subset of addresses, and output html for a 2-column table, in alphabetical order, of the selected addresses.
These are a collection of perl scripts for reading data off the serial port from a WMR918 weather station, archiving the data in files, filtering the data for noise, and generating nice plots.
This is a tool for tracking down spammers in a GUI. It needs quite a bit of polishing, so in the best open-source fashion I have placed it here in case someone else feels inspired to use this as a starting point and clean it up.
Basically it searches your spam for URL's, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and IP addresses, and highlights them. When you click on a highlighted field, a new window opens that allows you to operate on that address with whois, traceroute, ping, nslookup, etc. The code is written to make it easy to add new functions. It also allows me to email a complaint to the upstream ISP's.
I currently run it from Sylpheed with an action tied to a function key :
Spamfryer: spamassassin -d < %f | Spamfryer &;
Version 2.32, October 2012, is now available.
To see examples, take a look at my spam statistics page.
It is used to construct polygonal areas bounded by 2 or more curves on a plot.
To see examples, take a look at my weather page.
These are both expect scripts for doing dialup and email fetching.
I wrote them because I needed to automate my dialup sessions, and I wanted to learn Expect and Tcl/Tk. I tried some other GUI dialers, but I was not happy with them. The nice thing here is that (if you know Tcl) the scripts are truly customizable.
They assume :
I assume you have set up your chat stuff so that it works. This stuff
simply automates it. The zipped tar file contains this README, and 2 scripts,
dialer and TkDialer. I have set up a cron that runs dialer at 2AM to grab
my email :
10 02 * * * /home/ajackson/bin/dialer
and I use TkDialer during my waking hours to dialup for email, web
cruising, and ftp sessions. Current version is 1.0.6, updated 6/19/98.
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