Tabernacle (17): The tent in which the Ark was kept. Later the inner sanctum of the temple.
Taize (123): Pronounced 'te-zay'. A center of liturgical experimentation in France in the 1940's. Founded in the village of Taize by Catholics and Lutherans. Their purpose was to have a monastic community that would live out "a parable of community", a sign of reconciliation in the midst of the distress of the time.
Talmidim (61): Hebrew for disciples.
Talmud (22): Commentary on the Torah. Developed by schools of rabbis. The Jerusalem Talmud (Talmud of the West) was completed by the end of the fourth century A.D. The Babylonian Talmud a century later. Talmud means "study" or "learning". (41): (Hebrew for teaching) Collection of rabbinic discussions on the scripture (400-500 AD). Commentaries based on actual legal cases.
Targumim (41): (Aramaic for translations) Aramaic paraphrases of Hebrew bible, used in synagogues around 100 BC to 100 AD.
Targums (35): Translations of Hebrew scripture into Aramaic.
Vincent Taylor (58): A form critic.
Gilbert Tennent (101): Presbyterian minister who helped spread the Great Awakening, especially in New York.
Tephilla (42): Prayers said three times daily by Jews. A series of 18 benedictions that are to be prayed (not recited) by everyone, including women, children, and slaves.
Tertullian (83) : Born 155 in Carthage. Early theologian best known for "Apology", a defense of Christianity. Also was the first to formalize and bring precision to the doctrine of the Trinity.
John Tetzel (90) : Dominican in charge of selling indulgences for Prince Albert of Brandenburg.
Theodicy (32): The theological problem of reconciling belief in a good God with a world in which evil abounds (Bad things happen to good people).
Theodore of Mopsuestia (82) : (350-428) One of the Antiochenes. Believed the divine and human natures appropriated a new form, or prosopon, in the person of Jesus.
Black Theology (122): Theology rising from the black American experience, especially through the efforts of James Cone. A form of liberation theology.
Crisis Theology (115): The theology formulated after World War I. The crisis was the failure of liberal theology, and the modern world standing under the judgment of God after the devastation of the World War.
Dialectical Theology (116): Theology as an interplay between the witnesses to God's revelation and the critical understanding of the present day. The interplay of passionate faith and critical reason.
Foundational or Fundamental Theology (117): Methods and presuppositions of theology. A foundational theology seeks to answer the questions of what makes faith possible, and how one goes about thinking through questions of faith. Neo-Reformation Theology (115): Term applied to the theology of Barth. Refers to the recapitulation of traditional Protestant themes in his work, the reaffirmation of sola scriptura.
Theophanies (33): An appearance or manifestation of God. Ezekiel 1:4-28.
Theophany (22): Manifestation of God (burning bush).
Theotokos (82) : Greek, "God-bearer", or, less accurately, "Mother-of-God". Ninety-Five Theses (90) : Luther's response to the whole issue of indulgences. Nailed to the door of the church in Brandenburg. T'hillim (36): "Praises" or "Hymns". Hebrew title of the Psalter.
The Thirteen Articles (93) : (1538) Never officially approved, but influenced later 42 and 39 articles. Third declaration of Anglican doctrine. Modeled on the Augsburg Confession.
Torah (1): First five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch. Hebrew meaning is "the Law". (29): The revelation to Israel that God, out of sheer love, has called a people out of captivity into freedom and has elected them to be a holy nation. (41): (Hebrew "teaching") The Jewish scripture, usually the Pentateuch.
Camillo Torres (121): Priest who became a guerrilla fighter in Colombia in 1966.
Tract Ninety (99) : (1841) Tract authored by John Henry Newman which tried to show that the Thirty-Nine articles of the Church of England were not contrary to Catholic doctrine, but simply condemned abuses associated with them.
Trancendence (3): Separateness of God from creation.
Transubstantiation (85) : Objects have substance (their reality) and accidents (their properties). Consecration alters the substance of bread and wine, while leaving the accidents unchanged. (123): The doctrine that holds that the bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Christ during the eucharist, in the sense that the essence changes, although the accidents remain the same. (It still looks like bread and wine, even though it is "really" the body and blood).
Phyllis Trible (122): Contemporary feminist theologian who has attacked the problem of inclusive language by uncovering traces of the feminine in language pointing to God in scripture.
Tsedeqah (64): Usual Hebrew translation of Greek dikaioo in LXX. Righteousness, proper behavior with respect to the covenant. Loyalty to those with whom a covenant has been made. Henry St.George Tucker (103): Last foreign bishop in Japan. He resigned his see in 1923, to allow an indigenous Japanese bishop.
Mary Tudor (94) : (1516-1558) Eldest child of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, succeeded Edward to the throne in 1553. Commonly known as "Bloody Mary" for her persecution of Protestants. Tried to restore the power of the Papacy in England, and made Cranmer's Prayer Book illegal.
A Turn to the Human (110): Due to Hans Kung. A rejection of nihilism and despair, a turn to the self to find sources of meaning and hope.
Two Document Hypothesis (44): Suggestion that Matthew and Luke used two documents, Mark and Q, as sources.
William Tyndale (93) : (1494-1536) Wrote the first english translation of the New Testament that was printed. Heavily influenced by Luther. Arrested for heresy in the Low Countries, strangled and burned.
Typology (4): Events and persons are seen as being 'types' which foreshadow things to come. (Passover as a foreshadowing of Easter) (113): The method of connecting persons and events in the New Testament with the Old. For example, John the Baptist being identified with Elijah, and from Paul, Adam being the type for Christ.
George Tyrrell (114): Emphasized the experiential aspects of faith. Attempted to "adjust the historico-philosophical expression of Christianity to contemporary certainties."