
William of Ockham (87) : (1300-1349) Great English theologian and Spiritual Franciscan. Attacked scholasticism and promoted nominalism. Taught that scripture alone is infallible. Separated faith from reason, giving primacy to faith. Stressed free will and the importance of objectivity for things of the intellect. Occam's Razor - given two propositions, the one with the fewer assumptions is superior.

Schubert Ogden (120): Process philosopher. Wrote "Christ Without Myth." Said, "To be actual at all, whether the least such thing that can be conceived or the greatest, is to be an instance of process or creative synthesis.

Omniscience (4): Knowledge of everything.

Optimism about Salvation (117): Term due to Rahner; vision that the grace of God is open to all people, Christian and non-Christian alike.

Oral Tradition (1): Stories and legends that are passed on orally; help form actual cultural framework and identity. The oral tradition presents a picture of how Israel viewed herself.

Original Sin (4): There is an inclination to sin in every human from the beginning of their life - this is traced to the fall and inherited from Adam and Eve.

Orthodoxy (106): Theology which is faithful to revelation and can guide the people of God to new life in Christ and obedience to the will of God. The rightness of orthodoxy is in the fact that it works in directing people to a new life in Christ.

Ousia (82) : Derived from the Greek verb "to be", essence or being of a thing. Latin translation is "substantia" or substance.

Oxford Movement (99) : Also known as Tractarians. They were formed by a sermon preached July 14, 1833. They were deeply concerned for the historic church, longed for reunion with the catholic church, prized the sacraments and apostolic succession, theological scholarship, and liturgy. Contributed powerfully to the Anglo-Catholic movement. Members included Keble, Newman, Robert Wilberforce, Froude, and Pusey. Movement spearheaded by "Tracts for the Times."

Oxford Tractarians (123): Group in the 1830's that sought to revise the Anglican worship and doctrine to recover the older traditions. Formed the Anglo-Catholic party.