Narrative (4): Story that lets you in on the thoughts of the participants (JE story of creation).
National Covenant (95) : (1637) Document signed by most nobles and ministers in Scotland to protest Charles' I 1636 prayer book. Declared that they were loyal to both Charles and Presbyterianism.
The Nature and Destiny of Man (111): (1939) Set of lectures by Reinhold Niebuhr setting forth his view of the crisis of modernity. Neo-Platonists (3): Ultimate One lies beyond all things - at the farthest reaches is matter. A human is a spirit wrapped in matter, but through spiritual exercises you can rise above the body and approach the one. Neo-Pythagoreans (40): Aesthetes who tried to free themselves from the flesh and enable the divine spark to seek its divine origin.
Nephesh (4): (Hebrew "animation, being alive") Translated as "soul", but incorrectly as far as Western connotations of that concept go. More exactly, "living being" or "being animated by the breath of life". Gen 2:7.
Philip Neri (96) : (1515-1595) Founded the Oratorians and a foundation for training priests. His use of dramatic and musical presentations led to the oratorio of the seventeenth century.
Neshama (4): (Hebrew "breath") Translated spirit. Very similar to ruach. Job 33:4
Nestorius (82) : (381-450) One of the Antiochenes. Bishop of Constantinople. Believed divine and human natures were united in the prosopon (person) of Christ, but separate at the levels of nature and substance. Defeated at the Council of Ephesus.
New Being (116): From Paul Tillich. The new state of things brought by the Christ. The power of Jesus is to allow us to see through to being-itself with its power of healing and renewal. Jesus as the Christ is the disclosure event in which new being becomes real in concrete human life.
John Henry Newman (99) : (1801-1890) Leader in the Oxford (Tractarian) movement. Wrote several of the tracts. In particular, authored Tract Ninety. Became a Roman Catholic in 1845, eventually being appointed a Cardinal. (110): (1801-1890) Founder of the Oxford movement. Later became a Roman Catholic Priest and Cardinal. Laid much of the foundation for Vatican II. Developed a theology that emphasizes the importance of community. He links believing and belonging.
Reinhold Niebuhr (111): (1892-1971) Said that the crisis of modernity was a basic perception of all human beings who share in a culture that had come to crisis in its spiritual and emotional foundations.
Nimshal (59): (Heb interpretation) Interpretation, especially of parables or mashals. J. Frank Norris (114): Southern Baptist leader who lead the fight against drinking, gambling, dancing, and evolution.