
Galilee (43): Area north of Judeah, cut-off by non-Jews and Samaritans.

Galileo Galilei (112): (1564-1642) Physicist and Astronomer. Confirmed the heliocentric model of the Solar System and many other things. Was brought before the inquisition, recanted, and was released after being sentenced. There is a theory that his primary crime was not his astronomy, but his championing of the atomic theory of matter. This because the existence of atoms would conflict directly with the (at the time) new doctrine of transubstantiation.

Conrad Gebel and Felix Manz (91) : Founders of the Anabaptist movement. Manz executed in 1527 by drowning. Gebel died in jail in 1528 of the plague.

German Theology (87) : (early 1600's) A devotional work by an unknown author, and a popular (at the time) example of late medieval mysticism. Influenced Martin Luther.

Jean Gerson (88) : (1363-1429) Chancellor of the University of Paris and primary proponent of the Consiliar theory.

Geschichte (58): Interpreted history. The only history with true value.

Langdon Gilkey (115): Critic of both Barth and Bultman. Claimed the Neo-orthodox theologians never explained HOW God acted in history, what the connection between the events and God was. If the events were natural events that people merely interpreted as being precipitated by God, where was God actually involved? How could theology explain what the "Mighty Acts of God" were?

Scribal Glosses (1): Marginal notes that were later incorporated into the Biblical text by scribes who did not recognize that they were comments from earlier scribes. God-consciousness (108): Due to Schleiermacher, a state in which we submerge the self, and become aware and conscious of the presence of God, and less focused on the reality of this world. Ultimately a feeling of complete dependence on God. The state of Grace. God-forgetfulness (108): Due to Schleiermacher, most of us go along in life aware of and concerned with only the realities of this world. We are self-centered and self-aware, but unaware of God's hand and presence.

Godfearers (40): Gentiles who attended Synagogues. (65): Gentiles who attached themselves to a synagogue, and kept some of the Jewish laws.

Grace (7): An undeserved (and in fact un-earnable) gift. (64): Graciousness or favor. Grace of God is that event by which God accepts those who are unacceptable.

The Great Century (111): 1800-1914, a time when the modern world was formed and the Church responded to it's new challenges in positive ways. The modern missionary movement made Christianity a truly worldwide religion for the first time, and many social reforms were spearheaded by Christians (end of slavery, child labor, welfare reform, etc.).

Griesbach Hypothesis (44): Idea that Mark drew on Luke and Matthew as sources, and then Luke drew on Matthew.

William Grocyn (93) : (1446?-1519) Humanist scholar at Oxford. Taught Greek and revived interest in Neoplatonism in England.

The Ground of Being (116): Paul Tillich's concept of God. God is not first among beings, but is far beyond that. He is, in fact, the "ground of being", that is, the power of resisting non-being, the source of our being, is God. As in Julian of Norwich, who dreamed that the world was placed into her hand and was the size of a hazelnut, "I was amazed that it could last...It lasts and always will, because God loves it; and thus everything has being through the love of God."

Gueranger (123): Reopened the Benedictine Monastery at Solesme in 1832. He recovered the Gregorian chants and other aspects of the Roman liturgy, and spread them throughout France - replacing the Gallican rite.

Gustavo Gutierrez (121): Major Liberation Theologian, author of "A Theology of Liberation", 1973.