
The E Document (2): Parts of Pentateuch using the term Elohim. About 850 BC.

John Eck (90) : Professor at Ingolstadt - debated Martin Luther at Leipzig in 1519.

Meister Eckhart (86) : (1260-1327) Pioneer in using German as a theological language. "Man's best chance of finding God is where he left him. As it was with you when you last had him, so let it be now while you have lost him, then you will find him."

Ecole Biblique at Jerusalem (112): School of biblical studies opened in 1890 by the Dominicans. Published the Jerusalem Bible in 1946, 1955, and 1973.

Ecumenical Church (78) : Worldwide church, not associated with a particular country or region. Originally followed the Roman Empire.

Jonathan Edwards (101): (1703-1758) Congregational pastor and primary mover behind the Great Awakening, the evangelical spiritual revival that swept America in about 1734. To quote Richard Foster, "...Edwards teaches us that the intellectual life and the passionate life should be friends, not enemies. Without the slightest contradiction, it is possible to be both tough-minded and tenderhearted. What we learn to do is to descend with the mind into the heart and there wait in anticipation for the heavenly Whisper."

Tilden Edwards (125): Contemporary spiritual teacher. The disciplined spiritual life does not produce the grace of God; the spiritual life is the point at which we receive this grace. The classical spiritual disciplines "all provide opportunity for clearing obstacles that obscure the Holy Presence, plowing the ground that allows the seeds of grace to grow."

The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution (103): (1920) Prohibited alcoholic beverages. Championed by Carrie Nation, Billy Sunday, the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and the Anti-Saloon League. Repealed in 1933 by the twenty-first amendment.

The Elizabethan Articles (94) : Revision of the Edwardian articles of religion by Matthew Parker, under Elizabeth. Tried to avoid controversy.

The Elizabethan Settlement (94) : Compromise between Elizabeth I and Parliament setting up supreme authority over church and state in the queen in Parliament, rather than in the queen alone.

Elohim (2): Hebrew "The gods" - usually translated as God, used in the 'E' text.

The Road to Emmaus (127): The Methodist incarnation of Cursillo.

The cult of the Emperor (40): Belief in the divinity of the Emperor. (78) : The emperor began to be worshiped as a divine, and eventually this worship became mandatory.

The Enlightenment (98) : Beginning in about 1650, and ending with the French Revolution in 1789, also known as the Age of Reason. Characterized by a great increase in free inquiry, advances in science, and a focus on rationalism.

Epiclesis (79) : Second part of the eucharistic prayer, invocation of the Spirit over the bread and cup, "We ask God to send the Holy Spirit on the offerings that are set forth there ...".

Epicurianism (78) : Avoid pain, seek real pleasure by acting virtuously, and avoiding the pangs of conscience.

Epicurus (40): The universe results from a clash of atoms - follow natural instincts, avoid pain. Act virtuously and avoid the pangs of conscience.

Epistemology (131): From the Greek, knowledge. Branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. In theology, the question of how finite beings can have knowledge of the infinite is an epistemological question.

Erasmus (88) : (1466-1536) Best known sixteenth century scholar. His writings helped lay the groundwork for the reformation.

Eschatology (38): The study of the last things - end of history - apocalyptic. (42): The study of last things, end times.

Consistent Eschatology (59): Establishment of the Kingdom of God in the "near" future.

Realized Eschatology (59): The Kingdom of God is already present in the work and ministry of Jesus.

Essence (38): The eternal, changeless, and complete part of something (a form or idea). Platonic philosophy.

Essenes (42): A large aesthetic sect that had rejected temple worship and lived away from Jerusalem. John the Baptist may have been an Essene.

Ethics (131): Branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions. How are basic beliefs applied to human life?

Etiological Legend (4): A story explaining the origin of a thing, place, custom, etc.

Etymological Legend (4): A story explaining the origin of a word, e.g., woman (ishshah) is called woman because she was taken from man (ish).

Eudaemonistic Ethics (38): A system of ethics in which the measure of an act is its ability to produce happiness (Hellenism). Contrast with Hebraic ethics - the measure of an act is its conformance to the will of God.

Eusebius (79) : Imperial historian and biographer for Constantine.

Eutyches (82) : Chief of a monastery who taught that after the incarnation there was only one nature in Christ, the human being completely absorbed in the divine. Led to the Robber Synod.

The Evangelicals (99) : Movement within the Church of England in the early 1800's. Preached the cross, demanded conversion, sang of grace, read the Bible, feared Romanism, and committed themselves to works of charity and moral good. Included William Wilberforce and Charles Simeon.

Ex opere operato (86) : Simply by being done. The sacrament confers grace independent of the merit of those ministering or receiving. This gives the sacraments magical powers to confer grace even when the minister and recipient are not prepared.

Ex Cathedra (99) : Latin, from the chair. When the Pope speaks - fulfilling the office of Pastor and Teacher of all Christians - on his supreme Apostolical authority, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the Universal Church.

Exegesis (2): Determining what a text says. (In a factual sense)

Expiation (64): (hilasterion) a way of dealing with sin. Used to refer to the mercy seat. Act of atonement, God's mercy.