here version 1.3
The modules are :
PlotCalendar::DateDesc generates a single day, with (for html) controls for colors, fonts, etc. calls Day 28-31 times to create a proper Month-type calendar. Size, day to start week with, colors, etc are all controllable. is a pure perl replacement for parts of Date::Calc because I can't compile the c-code in Date::Calc on my webhoster's system. is a simple parser for converting date descriptions like "First Tuesday" into an actual date.
Examples :
my $day = PlotCalendar::Day->new($digit); $day -> size(100,100); $day -> color('WHITE','RED',); # foreground and background $day -> font('14','10','8'); # font size for digits, day-name, and text $day -> style('bi','nbu','i'); # font styles for same $day -> cliptext('yes'); # clip long text $day -> dayname('Groundhog Day'); $day -> nameref('<A href=""> $day -> text('text string 1','text string 2','abcdefghijklmno'); # 3 lines of text $day -> textcolor('BLUE','RED','GREEN',); $day -> textsize('8','10','8',); $day -> textstyle('b','u','bi',); my $html = $day -> gethtml;
my $month = PlotCalendar::Month->new(01,1999); $month -> size(700,700); $month -> font('14','10','8'); $month -> cliptext('yes'); $month -> firstday('Sun'); # first column $month -> fgcolor('BLACK',); $month -> bgcolor(@bgcolor); # background per day $month -> styles('b','bi','ui',); $month -> htmlref(@url); # url for each day $month -> dayname(@daynames); # names for each day my $html = $month -> gethtml;
The current (non-beta) version of this module is available from your nearest CPAN site.
The two will frequently be the same.
Both these are called by I have maintained compatibility
with Date::Calc, so if you wished, you could edit the
use PlotCalendar::DateTools
lines, make them
use Date::Calc
and forget about the Time:: modules and DateTools.
For help with Makefile.PL, try
perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker
If you wish to install in a non-standard place, use something like
perl Makefile.PL LIB=~/lib PREFIX=~
To run in it's fullest mode, type : -mon 7 -yr 1999 -reg y -spec y > events.html
and view the output in your favorite browser.
If you do report it, please include :
The day is laid out like this :
------------------------------------------ | | | | | digit | digit | Main day name | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------|--------| | <- bgcolmain | | | | | | | Optional text | | . | | | | Optional Text | | . | | . | | . | | . | | Optional text | | . | | . | | . | | . | ------------------------------------------
Globals : height, width, dayfont, mainfont, optfont, fgcol, bgcolmain, digit
Optionals : dayname, optext[...]
Font sizes in HTML translate as (rounding up) : 6->-1 8->+0 10->+1 12->+2 14->+3Various quantities can be set globally, or over-ridden for specific cases.
This is really meant to be called by to construct a calendar, but calling it with a *really big size* is a way to ``zoom in'' on a given day
require PlotCalendar::Day;
my $digit=10 ; # do it for the tenth my $day = PlotCalendar::Day->new($digit);
# These are values with default settings, so these are optional
------------ size of whole thing in pixels, X,Y $day -> size(100,100); ------------ Global foreground and background colors $day -> color('BLACK','#33cc00',); $day -> color('WHITE','RED',); ------------ Font sizes for digits, dayname, and optional text $day -> font('14','10','8'); ------------ styles for digits, dayname, and optional text ------------ b=bold, i=italic, u=underline, n=normal $day -> style('bi','nbu','i'); ------------ Clip text to avoid wrapping? (yes/no) $day -> cliptext('yes');
# HTML only options ------------ is it allowed to expand vertically if there is too much text? $day -> htmlexpand('yes');
# These values are defaulted to blank
------------ day name $day -> dayname('Groundhog Day'); ------------ if set, name is a hotlink $day -> nameref('<A href="";>'); ------------ if set, text string is a hotlink. Note that an array is getting ------------ passed. Text is passed as an array also. Each line of text is ------------ an array element. THis example hotlinks only the first 2 lines. $day -> textref('<A href="";>','<A href="mailto:>;'); ------------ Text strings, passed as elemnts of an array $day -> text('text string 1','text string 2','abcdefghijklmno 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0',); ------------ override default text colors and set each string individually $day -> textcolor('BLUE','RED','GREEN',); ------------ override default text sizes and set each string individually $day -> textsize('8','10','8',); ------------ override default text styles and set each string individually $day -> textstyle('b','u','bi',);
------------ wrap a reference around the entire cell $day->htmlref('<A href="http://this_is_a_url/";>');
------------ unload what I set my @size = $day->size; my @color = $day->color; my @font = $day->font; my @text = $day->text; my $dayname = $day->dayname;
# So, what do we have now?
------------ Create an ascii text cell #my $text = $day -> gettext;
------------ Create and return html for a cell in a table my $html = $day -> gethtml;
------------ Create and return Tk code (not implemented yet) #my $tk = $day -> gettk;
print "<HTML><BODY>\n"; print "<H1>Normal Day</H1>\n"; print "<TABLE BORDER=1><TR>\n"; print $html; print "</TR></TABLE>\n";
Alan Jackson March 1999
PlotCalendar::Month - Plot an ASCII or HTML calendar
The month is laid out like this :
Month_name Year
--------------------------------------------------------------- | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | day | day | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------|--------|--------|-------|--------|--------|--------| | | | | | | | | | day | day | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------|--------|--------|-------|--------|--------|--------| | | | | | | | | | day | day | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------|--------|--------|-------|--------|--------|--------| | | | | | | | | | day | day | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------|--------|--------|-------|--------|--------|--------| | | | | | | | | | day | day | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------|--------|--------|-------|--------|--------|--------| | | | | | | | | | day | day | | | | | | optional | | | | | | | | row |--------|--------|--------|-------|--------|--------|--------|
Globals : height, width, fgcol, bgcolmain,
References expect to be given the entire thing, that is <A HREF="http://yaddayaddayadda/";> or <A HREF="mailto:george_tirebiter@noway.nohow";>
The software will terminate it with a </A> at the right spot.
require PlotCalendar::Month;
my $month = PlotCalendar::Month->new(01,1999); # Jan 1999
# global values, to be applied to all cells
------------------------- size of whole calendar $month -> size(700,700); # width, height in pixels ------------------------- font sizes for digit, name of day, and text $month -> font('14','10','8'); ------------------------- clip text if it wants to wrap? $month -> cliptext('yes'); ------------------------- This can be any day you want $month -> firstday('Sun'); # First column is Sunday ------------------------- If this is not set, regular text will be used. ------------------------- If it is set, then in that directory should be ------------------------- gif files named 0.gif, 1.gif ... January.gif, ... $month -> artwork('/home/ajackson/public_html/cgi-bin/Calendar/Calendar_art3/');
# arrays of values, if not an array, apply to all cells, if an array # apply to each cell, indexed by day-of-month
The colors are the standard values used in html Textstyle encoding is b=bold, i=italic, u=underline, n=normal Fontsize = 6-14, roughly point sizes
my @text; my @daynames; my @nameref; my @bgcolor; my @colors = ('WHITE','#33cc00','#FF99FF','#FF7070','#FFB0B0',); my (@textcol,@textsize,@textstyle,@textref); my @style = ('i','u','b',); my @url;
----------- build some random color and text fields as a demo
for (my $i=1;$i<=31;$i++) { $daynames[$i] = "Day number $i"; $nameref[$i] = "<A HREF=\"http://www.$\">"; $bgcolor[$i] = $colors[$i%5]; @{$text[$i]} = ("Text 1 for $i","Second $i text","$i bit of text",); @{$textref[$i]} = ("<A HREF=\"http://www.$\">","Second $i text","<A HREF=\"http://www.$\">",); @{$textcol[$i]} = ($colors[($i+1)%5],$colors[($i+2)%5],$colors[($i+3)%5]); @{$textsize[$i]} = ("8","10","8",); @{$textstyle[$i]} = @style; @style = reverse(@style); $url[$i] = '<A href="' . $i . '">'; }
------------------------- Set global values $month -> fgcolor('BLACK',); # Global foreground color $month -> bgcolor(@bgcolor); # Background color per day $month -> styles('b','bi','ui',); # Global text styles
# Comments
my @prefs = ('before','after','after'); my @comments = (['Comment one'],["Comment two","and so on"],['Comment three']); my @comcol = qw(b g b); my @comstyle = qw(n b bi); my @comsize = qw(8 10 14);
------------------------- Comments get stuck into an otherwise empty cell $month->comments(\@prefs,\@comments,\@comcol,\@comstyle,\@comsize);
------------------------- Wrap a hotlink around the whole day, for each day $month -> htmlref(@url);
------------------------- set the names for every day $month -> dayname(@daynames); ------------------------- wrap the name in a hotlink $month -> nameref(@nameref);
------------------------- set the text and it's properties for each day $month -> text(@text); $month -> textcolor(@textcol); $month -> textsize(@textsize); $month -> textstyle(@textstyle); $month -> textref(@textref);
# global HTML only options
----------------- allow days to expand vertically to accomodate text $month -> htmlexpand('yes');
# grab an ascii calendar and print it my $text = $month -> getascii;
print $text;
------------------- get the html calendar
my $html = $month -> gethtml;
print "<HTML><BODY>\n"; print $html;
Also look at
PlotCalendar::DateToolsThis is a pure perl replacement for Date::Calc. I needed it because Date::Calc contains C code which my web hosting service did not have available for CGI-BIN stuff.
Alan Jackson March 1999
require PlotCalendar::DateDesc;
my ($month, $year) = (3,1999);
# ---- set the month and year my $trans = PlotCalendar::DateDesc->new($month, $year);
# ---- parse a description and return the day of the month my $day = 'first monday and third monday'; print "$day : ",join(',',@{$trans->getdom($day)}),"\n";
$day = 'last monday and third monday'; print "$day : ",join(',',@{$trans->getdom($day)}),"\n";
$day = 'last fri and third Monday'; print "$day : ",join(',',@{$trans->getdom($day)}),"\n";
# ---- parse a description and return the date as mm/dd/yyyy $day = 'last fri and third Monday'; print "$day dates: ", join(',',@{$trans->getdates($day)}),"\n";
What gets returned by both routines is a pointer to an array of answers
input descriptions may be one of : a day of the week (monday, tuesday, etc) a qualified day of the week (first monday, second tuesday, last sunday) compound statements are allowed : mon and wed, first mon and third mon
Qualifiers are : first, second, third, fourth, fifth, last Compounds are only formed with 'and' and are not associative
Alan Jackson March 1999
require PlotCalendar::DateTools;
my ($day, $month, $year) = (5,3,1999); my $dayname = 'Tuesday';
# ---- initialize tool
my $dow = Day_of_Year($yr,$mon,$day);
my $numdays = Days_in_Month($yr,$mon);
my $dow = Decode_Day_of_Week($dayname);
my $dowfirst = Day_of_Week($yr,$mon,$day);
my ($nyr, $nmon, $nday) = Add_Delta_Days($yr,$mon,$day, $numdays);
my $dayname = Day_of_Week_to_Text($dow)
my $month = Month_to_Text($mon);
my $doy = Day_of_Year($year,$mon,$day);
A perl-only clone of a subset of Date::Calc
Alan Jackson April 1999
Requires modules : Exporter Carp Time::DaysInMonth Time::JulianDay
I may be reached at or